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Dog abandonment: an unacceptable action

Dog abandonment: an unacceptable action
August 28, 2023 Yuup
Tempo di lettura: 8 minuti
Cane Labrador legato con un guinzaglio ad un palo su un marciapiede. Il cane è lasciato da solo.

The arrival of a puppy in the house naturally provokes a lot of enthusiasm!

Maybe this new entry in our lives is a personal choice to add a new family member, or maybe he’s a gift from someone close… no matter how this puppy came to us, he will certainly bring us an endless joy. At the same time, it is normal that he does not only fill us with happiness, but this little four-legged friend will also be a daily commitment to love.

The attitude that humans should always adopt towards their peers and their animal friends is to use the brain to look after and the heart to give a deep affection since love also means being responsible.

It is incomprehensible and inconceivable for us, the existence of people who get tired of an innocent furry pet, only for the natural responsibility that comes from loving him, when instead he is ready to show us every day endless affection.

The phenomenon of dog abandonment is an unnatural event that unfortunately continues to occur and is a true expression of a cruel act of irresponsibility. Nowadays, in general, it tends to occur particularly in the summer period, when people leave for a trip and wonder where to leave their animals. Unfortunately, despite lots of equipped accommodations and many proper dog sitters, sometimes the choice remains the ruthless and inhuman solution of abandonment.

There are no excuses for actions like these, they should not even come to mind and, in fact, they are punished by the Italian law, but nevertheless at present more than 50 thousand dogs are abandoned every year!

Cane seduto da solo su una strada. Sullo sfondo si vede un'automobile in allontanamento.

Dog abandonment is an excessively widespread phenomenon.

What if we put ourselves in their shoes? We should try to ask ourselves what our furry babies feel when abandoned… have you ever wondered which emotions such an event triggers in their souls?

Another important question to deepen in our opinion is: what behavior can we adopt if we see an abandoned dog along the street?

Below we will investigate together the main points about the delicate topic of abandonment.

Sensations and emotions of an abandoned dog

Dogs, as we know, are social animals and for this reason they can experience various sensations similar to those of humans when they end up abandoned on the roadside or in another unfamiliar place.

These emotions can correspond to fear, confusion, stress, sadness and depression which often lead to implications on their mental and physical health by leaving indelible marks.

The most obvious and easy to notice condition is the state of confusion, as they are deprived of their daily life, left alone by people who are important to them, with whom they have shared their lives up until then. A condition that pushes them to try to find their owners, or to behave in a disoriented way, thus developing a deep sense of fear and sadness.

Abandonment can therefore create deep scars on their psyche, generating behavioral consequences, sometimes without the possibility of remedy.

The pretexts for abandoning a dog

There can be no reason to leave such an innocent and faithful friend alone, so these are just pretexts.

Even though it is in no way justifiable, we tried to ask ourselves: what leads the owner of such a small living being to decide to leave him alone, making him feel awful emotions?

The pretexts for abandoning a dog can be complex, but we can group them into the following six categories:

1. Changes in domestic life

  • Moving: moving to a new home where, for example, animals are not allowed;
  • Birth of a child: the arrival of a new family member is a commitment that can lead the most insensitive to neglect the little four-legged friend who has always been at their side, to the point of no longer wanting him at home;
  • Marital breakdown: the difficulties that can arise in separation agreements, in this case regarding the custody of the animal, can be among the unjustified reasons for abandonment.


2. Economic problems

  • High costs: some people underestimate the financial commitment about dog maintenance, which involves natural ordinary expenses for food, vet care, insurance and important activities for sharing daily life.


3. Dog behavioral problems

  • Unwanted behaviors: an owner without responsibility may consider abandonment if the dog shows problematic behaviors, such as aggression or damage to property, and wants to avoid handling it or investing in adequate training. In these cases, it would be appropriate for some people to meditate before bringing pets home since they firstly should work on themselves.


4. Diseases or physical disabilities

  • Health problems: the diagnosis of a chronic disease or health problems, which require expensive and ongoing treatments, can lead some people to decide to no longer keep their pet;
  • Aging: dog’s aging and related health problems can lead to abandonment if the owner is not willing or able to care for him during his aging.


5. Lack of time and effort

  • Time commitment: dogs require dedication and attention. Some people may not realize the commitment required before having him at home and then decide to abandon him.


6. Impulsive decisions

  • Impulsive purchase: impulsive purchase or adoption, without an adequate evaluation of the responsibilities and needs of the animal, can lead to second thoughts and, consequently, to a sad dog abandonment.


So how can we slow down and limit this phenomenon? Education and awareness are two very important topics for transmitting and teaching the importance about assuming responsibility to take care of an animal. It is essential to carefully evaluate the financial resources availability, the spaces at home and the lifestyle that you’re willing to dedicate to the future furry life partner.

There is also an abandonment deterrent provided for by the Italian law and precisely in the article 727 of the Italian Penal Code, which quotes: “whoever abandons domestic animals or animals which have acquired habits of captivity is punished with arrest for up to one year or with financial penalty from 1,000 to 10,000 euros.”

What to do when we find an abandoned dog

How should we behave if we find an abandoned dog?

If we encounter a puppy alone, the first step is to act in a responsible and quiet way. For example, if the dog is not particularly scared and nervous, you can try to approach him by demonstrating trust. Later, it is important to evaluate his state of health, observing the absence of injuries or other difficult physical conditions.

Afterwards, it would be useful to check the presence of an identification tag or subcutaneous microchip, to be able to identify the possible owner, in case the dog was not abandoned but simply escaped from his home.

Then the best thing we can do is reporting the discovery of the abandoned dog to the vet service of the dog health shelter in charge, or notifying it to the local police or, alternatively, contacting specific associations for the recovery, safety and protection of animals. Here is a list of the most well-known recovery institutions in Italy:

  •  ENPA – the Italian National Animal Protection Agency
  • The National Canine Defence League
  • STD – Save the Dogs and other animals Foundation
  • PetrescueItalia
  • ALFA – Love For Animals Association
Uomo prende in braccio un cane di piccola taglia all'interno di un canile.

A dog recovered from abandonment is safeguarded and kept in specific facilities.

Adopting and taking care of an abandoned dog

Once the four-legged heart has been saved, in many situations it happens that we become so attached to this cute dog to feel a growing adoption desire.

The adoption process establishes that, after a certain period of time set at 60 days during which it was not possible tracing the owner or he did not show up to claim him, it will be possible to adopt the dog by law and give him a new life opportunity.

In conclusion: it is important to underline that having a dog is a commitment to take forward conscientiously. Let’s not forget that for us the dog is a life expression just as we are for him, in a relationship of mutual affection, where under any circumstances we can use words like ‘abandonment’.

This is why a trusted four-legged companion deserves all the love and attention he needs: from medical care to a healthy and nutritious diet, from recreational and playful activities to a careful and periodic hygiene.

Yuup! cherishes his daily well-being, with products dedicated to improve the life quality of your four-legged heart.

For healthier, prettier, happier dogs!

Cane di piccola taglia è disteso a pancia in su in braccio ad una ragazza. L'animale ha un'espressione molto felice e divertita.

Life partners, forever!

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