0444 719637 - info@cosmeticaveneta.it

Who we are

Loyal and reliable

For the care of our four-legged friends, we choose a thousand times Yuup!

The customers of this brand of beauty products for pets launched in 2011 by Cosmetica Veneta, are the ones to confirm this.

An Italian company in full. Strict to the principles of scientific  research in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and dermatological fields, for the high quality of shampoos and treatments for the hair and skin.

Fully reliable, from the selection of raw materials to the strict controls of production and packaging in the specialized departments.

What about shipping products around the world? No problem. At the company headquarters there  is also an efficient logistics department

Here is the reason for Yuup!’s success!

Certifications and Memberships

Why get certified? Because people can immediately recognize the genuineness, quality, and safety of YUUP! products.

Certifications, in fact, reflect the commitment to adhering to the highest standards of quality and working methodology.

Moreover, they serve as motivation to improve day by day, in order to maintain the results and levels achieved over time.

And what about memberships? Precious opportunities for exchange and collaboration, allowing us to work closely with important national and international associations.

The best part is that, quite often, there’s a shared vision: to be part of a production panorama where excellence is sought, and where every single choice prioritizes, above all else, the well-being and the health of our beloved pets.

Logo Yuup! is sold in more than 50 countries in the world composto da una grafica del pianeta terra nera stilizzata Yuup! is sold to more than 50 countries in the world
Logo 100% made in Italy composto dalla scritta Italy in nero incorniciata da due parentesi, una rossa e una verde e tra le due la scritta made in Yuup! is 100% Made in Italy
Logo GMP Good manufacturing practice, composto da una grafica con le scritte all’interno nei toni del verde, sostenuta da due foglie di alloro Yuup! cosmetics are produced following Good Manufacturing Practice
Logo Confindustria, Confederazione generale dell’industria italiana, composto da un’aquila blu stilizzata Yuup! by Cosmetica Veneta srl is member of Italian Industries Associations CONFINDUSTRIA
Logo Euipo, Ufficio per la proprietà intellettuale dell’Unione Europea, composto da una R cerchiata da stelline e dalla scritta Euipo, European Union Intellectual property office Yuup! European trademark is registered and protected at EUIPO database
Logo Wipo, composto da un rettangolo blu con all’interno un logo con 7 righe bianche ondulate e la scritta Wipo World Intellectual Property Organization Yuup! International trademark is registerd and protected at WIPO database
Logo Appa composto dalla scritta blu Appa Member e, attorno, dalla scritta  American Pet Products Associations Yuup! by Cosmetica Veneta srl is member of APPA American Pet Products Associations
Logo WPA scritto in blu sfumato in azzurro con sotto la scritta World Pet Association Yuup! by Cosmetica Veneta srl is member of WPA World Pet Association
Logo GLS con la scritta GLS in blu seguita da un punto giallo. Sopra la scritta Climate partner in blu, preceduta da un piccolo cerchio azzurro avvolto da un cerchio più sottile di colore blu. Yuup! by Cosmetica Veneta srl is GLS climate partner

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