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“How should I brush my dog? How do I have to clean a cat’s ears? What do I have to do to work as a groomer? Which products are good for my pets? ” Everything you need to know about cats and dogs can be found here.

We will try to answer these and many other questions in our blog because we love animals and we want to share our experience with you in four different thematic areas.

Here you can read, see and share exclusive content that will allow you to learn everything, really everything, about our four-legged friends!

  • Lupo compare tra gli alberi di una foresta

    The history of dog: from wolf to pet

    By in Curiosity /

    The relationship between dog and human is much more than just a cohabitation. It is a unique bond, which every day brings serenity and mutual emotional growth. Dogs, in fact, through their unconditional loyalty, non-verbal communication…

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  • Cane nero guarda incuriosito in camera con un orecchio alzato

    Dogs’ hearing: everything you need to know

    By in Vet Corner /

    On March 3rd we celebrate World Hearing Day. This anniversary was established by the World Health Organization to raise awareness about the importance and consequences of hearing problems. But how is this particular day related with…

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  • Donna riceve un bacino da due cuccioli di cane a prova che gli animali hanno sentimenti

    Do animals have feelings?

    By in Curiosity /

    Yes! Let’s find out animals’ feelings and the way they show us their emotions Adorable eyes staring at us, purrs melting our hearts, crazy little tails, joyful twittering and other special behaviors… Yes, animals have feelings…

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  • gatto a pelo lungo grigio e bianco sdraiato sul tappeto di casa

    The mystical and independent world of cats

    By in Curiosity /

    February 17th, mark this date on your calendar because it is the day dedicated to our feline princes: National Cat Day in Italy! This anniversary, born in Italy in 1990 and celebrated in various countries around…

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  • Cane bassotto sul tavolo del veterinario mentre il medico lo visita

    Dog diseases

    By in Curiosity, Vet Corner /

    Our faithful four-legged friends, dogs, are prone to a variety of diseases that can significantly affect their quality of life. It is essential for every dog caregiver to know these diseases, their symptoms, to understand how…

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  • Cane corgi è in piedi con le zampe sopra il tavolo della cucina di fronte alla sua scodella del cibo

    Dog behavior at mealtime: a guide to good table manners and a right diet

    By in Curiosity, Vet Corner /

    Dogs, known for their loyalty and fondness, can face various challenges in the family context, especially during mealtimes at the table. In this article, we will focus on how to teach our four-legged friends to behave…

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  • Donna è in mezzo alla neve con due cani neri che le fanno la festa

    Dogs and snow

    By in Curiosity /

    World Snow Day was celebrated on January 21st! What better moment to talk about the relationship between our beloved dogs with snow? In this article we will discover together which breeds absolutely love the white and…

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  • Una ragazza e il suo cane si strofinano la punta del naso

    Dog language

    By in Curiosity /

    Today we talk about communication! The topic is actually how to interpret positions and gestures of our four-legged friends Understanding dog language to improve your affinity Dog language is unique, it belongs to them and they…

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