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“How should I brush my dog? How do I have to clean a cat’s ears? What do I have to do to work as a groomer? Which products are good for my pets? ” Everything you need to know about cats and dogs can be found here.

We will try to answer these and many other questions in our blog because we love animals and we want to share our experience with you in four different thematic areas.

Here you can read, see and share exclusive content that will allow you to learn everything, really everything, about our four-legged friends!

  • tre cuccioli di golden retriever sono seduti fianco a fianco

    How long can a dog live?

    By in Blog, Curiosity, Vet Corner /

    “The dog, in life the firmest friend, The first to welcome, foremost to defend” The poet Lord Byron reminds us of this, and we know that the friendship between human and dog is one of the…

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  • Donna stringe a sè sorridendo un cucciolo di cane e un cucciolo di gatto. Il cagnolino le lecca il viso..

    How to choose the right pet for you

    By in Blog, Curiosity /

    Choosing the right pet is a bit like choosing the perfect life partner. Just like in relationships, it’s not just about the first spark, but also about understanding each other’s needs and growth. The choice of…

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  • spese-per-il-cane-foto1

    The costs of dog parenthood

    By in Blog, Curiosity /

    Becoming a dog owner is an exciting journey in which closeness, responsibility and love are the keys to a relationship that will always leave an indelible mark on our hearts. However, it naturally involves a series of…

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  • cane di piccola taglia è seduto di fronte a due ciotole: quella a sinistra contiene dell'insalata verde, quella a destra del cibo secco per cani.

    Can dogs be vegan?

    By in Blog, Curiosity, Vet Corner /

    The nutrition of our furry friends is a topic as important as delicate. There are many different types of dog food: dry, wet, more nutritious, more digestible… Understanding which food is more suitable for our dog…

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  • Cane Labrador legato con un guinzaglio ad un palo su un marciapiede. Il cane è lasciato da solo.

    Dog abandonment: an unacceptable action

    By in Uncategorized /

    The arrival of a puppy in the house naturally provokes a lot of enthusiasm! Maybe this new entry in our lives is a personal choice to add a new family member, or maybe he’s a gift…

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  • Cane Labrador legato con un guinzaglio ad un palo su un marciapiede. Il cane è lasciato da solo.

    Dog abandonment: an unacceptable action

    By in Uncategorized /

    The arrival of a puppy in the house naturally provokes a lot of enthusiasm! Maybe this new entry in our lives is a personal choice to add a new family member, or maybe he’s a gift…

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  • Una donna ed il suo cane sono seduti davanti ad un panorama di montagna

    Mountain hiking with your dog

    By in Blog, Curiosity, Tutorial /

    If you are looking for uncontaminated natural places with postcard landscapes, a slightly cooler climate and expanses of grass where you can rest, well… mountain is the ideal environment. For high altitudes lovers, dirt paths, natural…

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  • un uomo, una donna, una bambina ed un cane di pastore tedesco corrono felici in spiaggia nel lungomare

    10 rules for a perfect holiday with your dog

    By in Blog, Curiosity, Tutorial /

    Our four-legged friends are an essential part of our families and our lives. The moments spent together, the shared discoveries, the laughter, the joys and the memories we can build together with our furry friends are…

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