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The mystical and independent world of cats

The mystical and independent world of cats
February 17, 2024 Yuup
Tempo di lettura: 9 minuti
gatto a pelo lungo grigio e bianco sdraiato sul tappeto di casa

February 17th, mark this date on your calendar because it is the day dedicated to our feline princes: National Cat Day in Italy!

This anniversary, born in Italy in 1990 and celebrated in various countries around the world, was established to raise people’s awareness on the topic of adopting these little life companions.

The cat, with his enigmatic charm and independent nature, is certainly one of the most fascinating species in the animal kingdom.

If we think about it for a moment, we could almost say that the cat is endowed with all the virtues that each of us would like to enjoy:

  • agility with outstanding accuracy;
  • controlled and measured force to cling to strategic and completely out of reach points;
  • walking noiselessly and swiftly;
  • mustached and boosted detectors… much better than radar!
  • abundant craftiness;
  • amplified hearing that makes Superman envious!
  • great independence: he goes his own way… he comes back whenever he wants!
  • night vision or almost: certainly it would be very useful for us humans to avoid bumping into corners;
  • innate and first-rate elegance in every single move;
  • divine intelligence: he always sharply brags about it when necessary.


Don’t you think so?

Furthermore, his behavior embodies a spirit of autonomy and mystery that has fascinated human beings for millennia. So, let’s get ready to explore the independent nature of cats in depth, comparing it with our canine friends and discovering something more such as curiosities and ancient stories linked to the feline world.

gatto a pelo lungo cammina in un prato

Cats are the perfect mix of elegance, mystery and charm.

Here’s the first curiosity!

Do you know how the date of February 17th was established as Cat Day?

The journalist and cat lover Claudia Angeletti proposed a referendum spread through the magazine “Tuttogatto”, to choose together with her readers a day to dedicate to kittens. Among the several received proposals, the one from Oriella Del Col stood out. She also gave a truly significant explanation of February 17th:

The tendency to want to be free from rules of cats recalls the personality of people with Aquarius as zodiac sign. And what is the month of this sign? That’s right, February!

There are also other different coincidences that led to the choice of the date of February 17th. In the past, this month was considered the favorite period for cats and witches and in Italian culture the 17th has always been associated with bad luck, a characteristic often also attributed to our feline friends.

Furthermore, if we make an anagram of the number 17 in Roman numerals (XVII) we will notice that it is possible to form the Latin word VIXI, or “I have lived”. It exists the belief that cats have 7 lives and that they’re able to overcome even the obstacle of death which makes them truly legendary animals. The number 17, in fact, can also be read as 1-7, or “1 life for 7 times”.

A good reason, right?

Well, now, let’s delve into the discovery of the most independent and proud pet!

Feline independence: an ancient history

The concept of cats’ independence is deeply rooted in their evolutionary heritage.

Deriving from a loner desert ancestor, Felis silvestris, a wild feline who lived on the African continent more than 6 million years ago. Over the years and the evolution cats have kept many of their original characteristics, such as the preference to stay mostly alone and the tendency to hunt as a stimulus for self-sufficient survival. Precisely the conservation of these behaviors has contributed to endowing the cat with a unique set of skills and behaviors which, when compared with their “bitter enemies” dogs, also highlight great differences in their behavior towards humans.

Actually: on one side there are the felines, with a solitary nature, while on the other side there are the canids who, deriving from wolves, prefer life in groups.

gatto arancione gioca con una lucertola

Hunting movements, for fun or necessity, are part of the personality of felines passed down for millions of years.

Cat’s independence is shown today in his daily habits and interactions with humans. Often, the cat is the one who makes the rules such as for times, from feeding time to moments of affection, showing a perceptive nature in deciding when and how to interact with the environment and his life companions. This selective social interaction underlines his autonomy, making him a fascinating and intriguing pet who respects – and at the same time demands – his personal space.

Curiosities about cats

Each pet has his own behavior: dog vs cat

Beyond their social habits, cats have a series of surprising abilities and characteristics that made them the protagonists of the most disparate curiosities.

Let’s see some together!

  • Enviable wealth: according to the Guinness World Record, the record for the richest cat ever belongs to Blackie, a big cat who, thanks to the will of his keeper after his death, was recognized as the sole heir, acquiring a fortune of 7 million English pounds. Who knows how many delicacies and toys he could have bought for himself! Discover all the other records related to the animal world in this article.
  • A lifetime of naps: the cat is known for taking long naps during the day. In fact, he spends 70% of his life sleeping, dozing off for an average of 13-16 hours a day! Sometimes we would need a “cat’s life” too, right?


Gatto dorme sul divano con la pancia in su

“I’m finally ready to take my 2+ hours nap”


  • A space adventure: 1963 is a historic date for the feline world. Felicette was the first and still now the only cat in the world to go into space. What nickname was she given once returned to Earth? Obviously “Astrocat”!
  • A special sharing: what could a cat, a giraffe and a camel have in common? It may seem strange to you, but these animals are the only ones with the same movement technique! In fact, they first move both legs to one side, then those of the opposite side, moving half of their body forward at each step.
  • A… roaring genetics: it is well known that cats, as true felines, have characteristics in common with great hunters such as lions, leopards and tigers. Precisely with these latter animals, cats share 95.6% of their genetic heritage. So we discovered where all that courage that cats show even towards larger animals comes from!


Gattino tigrato si specchia. Nello specchio c'è l'immagine di una tigre

A big soul in a small body: the cat is a true warrior!

Myths and legends about cats

In addition to a thousand or more curiosities about cats, our feline friends have historically been the subject of myths and legends of all cultures.

For example, according to the Nordic mythology, the goddess Freyja, associated with love, beauty and fertility, used to ride a chariot pulled by two large cats. This representation highlights how the reverence and mystical attributes associated with cats has been a deep-rooted trend since the beginning of the centuries.

Much more well-known is the association of the cat in the medieval period with areas of sorcery. In particular, the black cat was perceived as an animal bringing ill bad luck, misery and bad omens. Today, fortunately, this thought has been overcome and there is nothing more beautiful than seeing a big cat with a black and shiny coat and two beautiful yellow, green or blue eyes.

Among the various popular beliefs about the fur color of felines, there are also several stories related to the calico cat. We talked about it in this article.

Gattino nero dentro ad un vaso

How can we say that this docile black kitten can bring bad luck? It is impossible!

Unlike Middle Ages, in the ancient Egypt the cat was considered a divine presence: Bastet is in fact a cat-goddess protector of humans and home. In Egyptian texts the cat is associated and illustrated very often in drawings and frescoes of a religious nature, as he’s a highly venerated and respected animal. Behind this devotion there is also a concrete explanation: thanks to his hunter quality, he kept mice and other small animals away, thus avoiding the accumulation of dirt in homes and the spread of bacteria dangerous to the health of human beings.

gatto cammina sopra un muretto. Nello sfondo si vedono le piramidi egizie e una sfinge

Egypt is in the essence of every cat.

The world of cats is full of complexity, from their independent nature and unique behaviors to the countless curiosities and myths that surround them. As creatures who walk between the familiar and the mysterious, cats continue to enchant and fascinate those who seek to understand them.

In any case, there’s no doubt that we are certain of one thing. Their ability to live autonomously in this world, combined with their rich historical and mythological significance, ensures that cats will always remain a subject of charm and admiration!

Article written with the consultancy of Chiara Festelli, Dog Trainer.

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