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Animals at Christmas: what we should pay attention to during the holidays

Animals at Christmas: what we should pay attention to during the holidays
December 21, 2022 Yuup
Tempo di lettura: 4 minuti
Cane e gatto con cappello da Babbo Natale

“Christmas with yours” this is what it states the Italian popular saying: it’s a tradition indeed spending the Christmas holiday season with the family, which is also composed by our pets to all effects.

Holidays are the perfect time to show more than ever our dogs and cats the affection and the gratitude we feel towards them, just like we do with our friends and relatives.

Here there are some tips to make sure that the Christmas season is a joy for our pets as well and that it does not turn into a stress factor

At meal time: some exceptions to the rule are fine, but without exaggerating

If we spend Christmas lunch together with our animals, you’ll notice that they could be seeking, among guests, delicious leftovers with a sweet muzzle.

Sometimes it’s fine to make a few exceptions to the diet, but we should be careful not giving them any type of leftover!

A lot of foods of our Christmas dinner are not dangerous for our pets, but some others should be avoided, especially if they’re very seasoned, spicy or too sweet.

At Christmas dinner it’s fine giving some leftovers, but without exaggerating

At Christmas dinner it’s fine giving some leftovers, but without exaggerating

Habits and spaces have to be respected

Holidays could be a little messy: friends and relatives who come by, a lot of voices resonating in the house, and our routine which is lacking due to holidays.

These factors could cause stress to our pets, who generally tend to be quite creature of habit. We should consequently try to not break their habits and to make them spending the days as usual, as far as possible.

It means not missing the daily walks, and not neglecting tasks as paws cleaning, hair brushing and bathing. For this last one, you could use Yuup! Christmas Shampoo, to keep the habit, but also to add a Christmas gingerbread flavoured touch.

Infine, è importante ricordarsi di rispettare gli spazi dei nostri animali, anche a Natale. Lasciamo inalterata la loro area relax (cuccia, cuscino o coperta che sia) e consentiamogli di avere un luogo appartato dove rifugiarsi nel caso in cui la presenza di troppi umani tutti assieme li possa agitare (questo è particolarmente importante per i gatti!).

Lastly, it’s important to remember, at Christmas as well, to respect our animals’ spaces. We should leave their relax area unchanged (whether dog house, pillow or blanket) and we should let them a private spot to shelter in case there are too many humans all together who could excite them too much (this is particularly important for cats!).

Don’t forget the daily walk during Christmas holidays

Don’t forget the daily walk during Christmas holidays

Pet-friendly Christmas decorations

Christmas decorations, such colourful and sparkling, have a resistless charm for our animals – especially for our felines friends! – but they also could be dangerous.

It would be better keeping glass decorations and candles beyond reach of pets, and it’s important to firmly attach the Christmas tree to avoid dangerous falls.

It is appropriate to be cautious to electric cables, strips, ribbons and hangers, that could be unluckily ingested.

Be careful with Christmas tree and decorations if you have an animal at home

Be careful with Christmas tree and decorations if you have an animal at home

By following these tips Christmas with your pets will be perfect.

And about presents…

Well, the most beautiful gift is having the opportunity to spend holidays together with them, with more cuddles than usual … because at Christmas we all are better! 😊

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